Day 1: Disciples and a Turbulent Boat
Read: Matthew 14:22-33; Mark 6:45-52; John 6:16-21
Jesus walking on the water is a well-known story in church life. It’s such a familiar story that it is easy for us to overlook a crucial piece of the narrative which both Matthew and Mark include in their gospels.
As he frequently did, Jesus slipped away to be alone and pray. (As an aside, if Jesus needed to do this, how much more do we?) On this occasion, he sent the disciples ahead to Bethsaida with plans to meet them there. Evening came and the boat was out to sea while Jesus remained on land.
Mark 6:48 tells us, “And he saw that they were making headway painfully, for the wind was against them.” Matthew writes it this way, “the boat by this time was a long way from the land, beaten by the waves, for the wind was against them.” Make no mistake, the disciples were having an extremely difficult time in the boat. Did you catch what Mark was careful to state?
He saw that…from where Jesus was praying, he saw them.
Jesus had not lost sight of them once he sent them on their way. He never took his eyes off them while praying. He saw them. That is both comforting and confusing. He watched as they made their way painfully, being beaten by the waves and wind. Yet he didn’t run to their rescue immediately. He allowed them to struggle, keeping watch over them, but not stopping it. Let’s also note they did not give up. They kept rowing, kept battling and stayed vigilant. They did not throw their hands despairingly in the air, declare all was lost and give up.
Is that scenario familiar to you? You’ve been making your way painfully while being beaten by the circumstances of life. There has been no immediate rescue. If so, take heart in this story. You aren’t the first to painfully make your way and you won’t be the last.
Just as Jesus saw the disciples that night, he sees you. After all, he is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Keep going. Keep doing the things you need to do—even if it is hard and seems like there is no land in sight. I hope you didn’t miss the last part of John 6:21, “immediately the boat was at the land to which they were going.” Their rescuer arrived and they landed safely. Not on their time or in their preferred way, but in the way Jesus took them because in the midst, they discovered they did not need to fear and Jesus truly was the Son of God. Their response? Worship.
Prayer: God, thank you for seeing me in those times when I don’t see you. Thank you for never taking your eyes off me. Help me to learn the lessons you intend for me to learn, even as I make my way painfully. May my response be the same as the disciples—to worship you because you are the Son of God and I have no reason to fear.