Day 11: Thirsting for Acceptance and Purpose

Read: John 4:1-42

Today we read about a person who has three strikes: 1) Samaritan; 2) Living in sin; 3) Woman. Any one of those circumstances would have been an acceptable reason for a Jewish man not to speak to her. Jesus was certainly respectable but he didn’t give much credence to the extra rules and regulations imposed upon the Israelites by their religious leaders. He didn’t see a mixed race, sinful woman. He saw beyond that to the sinner who was hurting and in need of rescue.

The Woman at the Well, another unnamed person in scripture, came to the well at an odd hour because she was an outcast. The other women came early in the morning and it was a social time. But this woman came at an hour when nobody else would be around. Alone. Nobody wanted to associate with her, nor she with them. But one day as she approached the well, there was a man who was tired from his journey. Thirsty, he sat down and waited for his friends to return with food. The man was Jesus and he had exactly what this woman needed.

With a simple request of a drink, Jesus engaged in a conversation of such great detail, there is no doubt he saw this woman. Everyone in town knew the life she lived. But only Jesus truly saw her pain, the shame she bore and the burdens she carried. He pursued her relentlessly even as she tried to deflect and redirect the pointed statements about the way she lived her life.

She didn’t need to clean up her life to come to Jesus. She needed to come to Jesus so he could clean up her life. So frequently we get that wrong. We try to modify our behavior using our own strength and tenacity which may give us short-term results, but true change must come from the inside. That requires the Holy Spirit. Even worse, we try to force others to modify their behavior, e.g. change the way they dress, the way they talk or the friends they have, so we can present them to Jesus as acceptable. He doesn’t need our help. He needs us to share the gospel and let him do what he does best.

This unlikely woman—a Samaritan and social outcast—became an evangelist.

She had encountered Jesus and couldn’t help but tell everyone in town. “Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony.” What an example for us to follow! That is our part—to share Jesus with everyone we encounter. Her changed life is all they needed to go see for themselves.

I’m challenged by this woman who really knew only one thing: Jesus changed my life and I have to tell people. She didn’t wait until she had 3 years of bible study or church attendance (actually, temple attendance) to share her testimony. She immediately went to town and told anybody who would listen.

Does this challenge you as well? Who needs to hear your testimony today? You don’t have to be a bible scholar or theologian. You just have to tell your story in your words. The command for all Christ followers is clearly laid out in Matthew 28:19. Now, go.

Prayer: Jesus, I am so grateful for your work on the cross to bring me salvation. Please put someone in my path today who needs to hear my story. Help me to see the opportunity and be bold to tell them about you.