Day 7: The Gift…Meeting Saints Gone Before
Read: Hebrews 12:1-2
I absolutely love the picture our Lord gives to us in this passage. Hebrews 11 just recounted the faith-filled lives of 18 Old Testament saints by name. Many more than that are alluded to. It is those great saints gone before who now make up that great cloud of witnesses.
Clearly in this context the writer is encouraging those of us still alive on earth living out our lives of faith. Can you hear them cheering you on? They fought the fight and now are in that heavenly bandstand cheering us on to our own victory!
Just think about it, we will spend eternity getting acquainted and hanging out (I assume Abraham hangs out) with millions of incredible brothers and sisters in the family of God. Which ones are you most excited to meet?
I kind of envision our Lord and Savior doing the introductions. “Cari, meet Mary.” We’ll spend time as I share my thoughts on their lives recorded in scripture while they fill in the blanks. Then they’ll share moments when they were cheering me on from the great cloud.
But every conversation will most likely take a turn from sharing our stories to considering and worshipping the “Founder and Perfecter” of our faith. Our Lord! And the party will never end. It will never grow old!
Challenge: Read through Hebrews 11-12:1-2 and be encouraged afresh to remain faithful to our Lord. For “without faith it is impossible to please Him.”
Prayer: Oh Lord, help me live a faith-filled life. A life pleasing in Your sight. Give me a fresh glimpse of the great cloud of witnesses cheering me on while my eyes never leave You, The Author and Perfecter of my faith.