Day Sixteen: Why is there so little love found in the church?
Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:1-8
Principle: It is our calling to pray for others.
The 18th century evangelist, George Whitefield asked the question of the church of his day, “why is there so little love to be found amongst Christians?”30
In October of 2014, Lifeway published the results of a survey they did on prayer. They asked people what they typically pray about. The results showed that 82% typically pray for their family and friends.31 That doesn’t sound too bad. We are frequently praying for those we love.
But the Apostle Paul makes it clear that our prayers should extend beyond ourselves, our family and our friends. He says we are to pray for everyone. Then he specifically mentions government officials. That same survey showed only 12% prayed for government leaders. More people pray (13%) for their favorite team to win than pray for government leaders. Paul goes on to say that God desires everyone to be saved. Only 20% of people pray for people of other faiths or no faith but 21% pray that they would win the lottery.
The times have changed, but the question is still relevant. Whitefield’s answer to the question is that it is due “to a neglect or superficial performance of that excellent part of prayer, intercession, orimploring the divine grace and mercy in behalf of others.”32 In order to motivate you to intercession on behalf of others, Whitefield offers these advantages:
- It will fill your hearts with love one to another. He that every day heartily intercedes at the throne of grace for all mankind, cannot but in a short time be filled with love and charity to all.
- The power and efficacy of it.
- It is the never ceasing employment of the holy and highly exalted Jesus himself, … to make continual intercession for us! So that he who is constantly employed in interceding for others, is doing that on earth, which the eternal Son of God is always doing in heaven.33
Application: Make a list of people outside of your family and friends and begin praying for them, by name, and be specific.
30George Whitefield, Selected Sermons of George Whitefield, Sermon 54, Intercession Every Christians Duty, (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 1999).
31“American Prayer Practices.” Lifeway Research. Lifeway, n.d. Accessed March 29, 2021.
32Whitefield, Sermon 54.
33Whitefield, Sermon 54.