Hopeless Heritage

Opening Thoughts:

If there was no resurrection, then what happens to my loved ones?


1 Corinthians 15:18, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18


One of the greatest comforts in the Christian life is that when a loved one has passed away, and they were believers in Christ, we are assured we will see them again in heaven. If there was no resurrection, then that assurance is gone. More than that, the bible says they have perished. But, Jesus did rise from the grave! One day I will see my passed away loved ones who have put their faith and trust in Jesus. I don’t totally understand how the unbelieving world copes with death. Many believe that because they were religious, or a moral person, or their good will outweigh their bad, they will be accepted. Some believe that it’s just going to be one big party in hell or some choose to not believe in any afterlife. So foolish are these to reject Christ’s gift of salvation.


Because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, you and I have a responsibility to carry on and give our children a godly heritage. The greatest gift I can give my children is a godly example to follow, so they can be a godly example to their children. It has been said that a godly heritage is only one generation away from failure. Don’t be the one to stop the godly heritage. Continue it or start it in your family to the glory of God.


Lord, help me to continue, or start, a godly heritage. Help me to be the example to my family of a Spirit filled life.