Day 1: Seek The Lord

“Alarmed, Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the Lord, and he proclaimed a fast for all Judah. The people of Judah came together to seek help from the Lord…” (v. 3-4)

At the beginning of 2021, many of us bought new calendars and set goals. Did you? I did. While I’ve put in the work, so far, I’m holding everything loosely. Life has so many factors outside of our control. I’ll be happy if I try my best and make progress toward my goals.

The word “resolve,” however, speaks of a deeper-level commitment. What could be better than resolving to seek the Lord? This we can do, no matter what happens in our own lives or in the world around us.

Jehoshaphat not only resolved to inquire of the Lord; he gathered the people to do the same.

I can’t imagine facing life’s trials without the support of fellow believers. While undergoing health issues a few years ago, I met with three Christian friends for prayer before work on Wednesday mornings. Not only did my friendships deepen, but my faith grew and the Lord sustained me.

Perhaps you’re experiencing hardship, feel conflicted or confused, or need direction. Seek the Lord. Invite a few others into the situation. Resolve to inquire of the Lord and bear one another’s burdens.

We’re stronger together.

Scripture reading: Psalm 27

Today’s encouragement: As you consider your goals, have you resolved to “seek the Lord” in 2021? Have you included others in your pursuit of God? Today is a great day to begin anew!

Prayer: God, I want to seek you in 2021. Help me to be resolved in my pursuit of you. Open my eyes to friends with the same determination. When I seek you with my whole heart, I’ll find you.