Day 15: Upheld by Faith

“Have faith in the Lord your God and you will be upheld…” (v. 20)

The Apostle Paul was a man upheld by faith.

In his second letter to the Corinthians, we read what he endured for the sake of the gospel. Paul was beaten, imprisoned, shipwrecked, stoned, and occasionally lived without sufficient sleep, food, and water. In addition, he had an unnamed “thorn in the flesh” – a source of weakness and anguish in his life.

Two years ago, I heard a sermon on this topic. It was exactly what I needed to push through a painful situation. Our experiences are nothing like Paul’s, but his response to his thorn may be helpful to us and our lives today.

In pain, Paul:

  • prayed for it to be taken away.
  • received what was given or allowed by God.
  • adopted a deeper perspective.

As Christians, we’re familiar with prayer. We may even arrive at a point of surrender with the Lord. But, how do we live beyond the “here and now” when we’re hurting?

By faith, one day at a time.

Specifically, I can choose to believe:

  • my character is more important than my comfort.
  • my circumstances are not permanent.
  • my Savior understands my suffering.

Jesus not only created humanity, he lived a human life. He is well-acquainted with our experiences, limitations, and temptations on a personal level. Through all of life’s trials, we can know that his grace is sufficient and his power is made perfect in our weakness.

We are upheld by faith. Our thorns do not have the final say. Thanks be to God!

Scripture reading: Lamentations 3:21-24

Today’s encouragement: When you pray today, place your hands in your lap (palms up) as an act of surrender and willingness to receive what the Lord
has given.

Prayer: God, I am reminded that I walk by faith, not sight. I can’t see the whole story you’re crafting, so I choose to live open-handed and trust you with my weakness.