Day 16: A Successful Life
“…have faith…and you will be successful.” (v. 20)
There is no lack of voices in the world telling us how to be successful. We buy books from Barnes and Noble, listen to podcasts, follow research-based organizations, download sermons, and ask family and friends for advice.
If our sources are reputable, and we are spiritually discerning, much of what we glean is good and beneficial for our lives. As the saying goes, “chew the meat, spit out the bones.” In other words, utilize what’s helpful, toss what isn’t.
Resources can help us manage our time and money, advise us on our health, direct our career path, and strengthen our relationships.
But, what does it mean to be successful as a Christian?
When I first started my job at the church, I came across a phrase that has stuck with me: “To succeed in ministry, you must have thick skin and a tender heart.”
That’s good advice for all Christians, no matter the work God has called you to today.
To be successful is to live a life pleasing to the Lord. It is choosing to love when it’s hard, to bless, honor, and serve others when we see opportunities, to comfort those in affliction, to be patient through hard seasons, to choose a posture of humility and brush off small offenses, and to do what is right. It is to nurture the “Marks of the True Christian,” found in today’s scripture reading.
We can gain wisdom from the world’s resources, but ultimately a successful life is a faithful one. Everyday faithfulness is “love in action” – loving God and loving our neighbor as ourselves – and bearing a Christian witness in what we say and do.
Scripture reading: Romans 12:9-21
Today’s encouragement: Think of one person in your life who needs encouragement today. Take the time to bless them.
Prayer: God, thank you for reminding me that “faith expressing itself through love” is what counts. This is the hallmark of success.