Day 3: Friendship with God

“Our God, did you not drive out the inhabitants of this land before your people Israel and give it forever to the descendants of Abraham your friend?” (v. 7)

Friendships are among life’s best gifts.

My closest friends and I have known each other for almost twenty years. I’ve been a bridesmaid in their weddings and have been at the hospital when their babies were born. We’ve traveled together and celebrated milestone birthdays. We’ve journeyed through the ups and downs of health issues, foster care and adoptions, work issues, parenting, dating break-ups, and the list goes on and on.

They are precious people to me.

So, when I read in scripture of God’s friendship with his people, it moves me to tears. The holy God of the universe wants to be friends with mere mortals like you and me. Wow!

Abraham was called God’s friend because he believed God. Jesus showed up to weep with his friends, Mary and Martha, in their loss and grief. The disciple John proclaims he was “the one Jesus loved,” acknowledging their close friendship. We even have an account of Jesus making a fish breakfast for his friends alongside the Sea of Galilee. It’s one of my favorite stories.

So, how can we be God’s friend? Reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ.

There is a friend who “sticks closer than a brother.” He’s a perfect friend, because he is perfect. The best part? He wants to be friends with every single one of us. His friendship is lifelong and for all eternity. His name is Jesus.

Scripture reading: John 15:12-17

Today’s encouragement: Check in with a friend today.

Prayer: Jesus, thank you for being my closest friend. Help me to extend sacrificial love to my family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers and to be friendly to every person I encounter.