Oh My!
Recently, the news resembles a bad dystopian novel. With the craziness of the world right now we can’t help but ask questions. Will the vaccine work? Will the government act in our best interest? When will the chaos stop?
It is easy to get lost in the multitude of opinions and tragic news. How do you set your sights on the blessings God has for you this year?
As I prepare spiritually for each new year, I pray for a focus word. This year God gave me the word ‘grounded.’ Not grounded like in quarantine but standing on the solid rock of Christ. After the anxiety rollercoaster of 2020, I felt like I needed to ground myself in the truth of Christ to gain the courage necessary to take on 2021. I talked to a couple of other friends and found that they also choose words of courage to face 2021 such as truth and peace. The common denominator for each respective word is the hope and prayer for courage in 2021.
In the face of tragedy and the current war between anxiety and peace, courage can be our battle cry.
Easier said than done, right?
Exodus 14:13-14 pictures the attitude of courage necessary to move forward into the new year. Earlier in this Exodus story, the Israelites escaped the Egyptians. They thought they were through their battle, but then Pharaoh’s heart hardened and the Israelites faced another battle of courage.
Moses exclaimed, “…“Fear not, stand firm and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you today…The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.”
As we fight this battle of uncertainty in 2021 we should do exactly what Moses says: stand, see, and silence. When we see the salvation of the Lord we can ground ourselves in his truth, standing firm and waiting for His instruction to follow. Standing in the truth, seeing God’s plan for our lives, and silently listening for his instruction builds the courage to face 2021.
What word does God have for you in 2021?