“We have you surrounded.”

In December 1944, in the forests of Bastogne, Belgium, four German soldiers approached an American outpost waiving white flags. Their purpose: to negotiate terms of surrender for the surrounded American troops. The Americans were given two hours to respond to the notice otherwise the Germans threatened to bombard and annihilate the American forces in the area. The Americans gave a one-word response type-set and capitalized in the middle of a single page.


The response was typical of the American bravado that permeated our armed forces in the midst of WWII. We were superior in every way; invincible and unbeatable!

At first, the German officers didn’t understand the message until an American translator gave them the street version. In response, the Germans bombed the area for four straight days before General Patton’s forces arrived to strengthen the starving, freezing, and battered American troops; providing the manpower and supplies to push back the pressing attack, thereby putting the final nail in the coffin of the German offensive of the Battle of the Bulge and effectively crushing the German fighting spirit.

“We have you surrounded.”

What do you think when you hear those words? For General McAuliffe that day in WWII, it ignited a furious fire in him resulting in his sarcastic, defiant, and humorous response that inspired the troops to dig in and give everything they had.

But what about you? 

I suppose it depends on what is surrounding you. If you are surrounded by puppies and/or kittens, many people would be filled with utter joy and delight. But what if you were in a wide-open area and had a loaf of bread and began to be surrounded by flocks of birds? What if you were surrounded by a pack of wolves in a sudden snowstorm on a mountain hike?

What if you were surrounded by family? Honestly, for some that would be wonderful, but for others, it’s a nightmare.

What we are surrounded by can mean the difference between life and death; between fear and courage; hiding or thriving.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.  Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted. ~ Hebrews 12:1-3

The truth from this passage is we are surrounded not by something threatening, but by a great cloud of witnesses who have gone before us and who are currently walking the same road we are! We are currently encompassed by those whose faith was tested and found to be true. You are encircled by those who are battling against their flesh, wrestling for more faith, more love, more grace, more peace, more forgiveness, more patience, more self-control, more gentleness and more joy.

More Jesus.

The truths found in this passage are echoed in the story told at the beginning. The American troops were definitely surrounded by the German forces, but they were also encased by their own troops, their own bravado, their own training, their own supplies, their own steel resolve, their own confidence, their own brotherhood, their own purpose, and their own freedoms.

Who or what surrounds you? Are you intentionally seeking to increase your holy community or are you isolating yourself, attempting to live this life on your own?

Because we as believers are encouraged by this great cloud of witnesses, may we be reminded to keep our eyes focused on Jesus, shed any silly hindrances, violently tear away from any stupid sins that want to drag us down, commit ourselves to walking with other brothers and sisters, and focus on the race and the prize to come.

This is our only shot to run our race. We are not repeatable! We don’t get another chance to run…


It is a fearful thing to be surrounded by enemies all by yourself. Reach out, join a life group, get coffee with friends, commit yourselves to walking together, connect, and envelope yourselves with those whose mission is the same and be victorious!

Here are some links to how you can do that.



Pure Desire Ministries

Power for Abundant Recovery (PAR)

Emmanuel Life Groups




  1. What steps do you need to take to increase the strength of those who surround you?
  2. What has been the effect in your life of being more focused on the enemies surrounding you rather than the ‘great cloud of witnesses?’