All requests to be placed on the waiting list for Shiloh Christian Academy preschool are done online. Please use the form below.

This page is for the 2025-2026 school year only.

School Year Confirmation *Please confirm you are entering information for the 2025-2026 school year.
Gender *
IMPORTANT: this is the email address that will be used for initial and primary contact.

Preschool is an introductory class where children will learn the basics of school. This class is for students who are not planning to attend kindergarten the following year.

Kindergarten Readiness: this class is preparation for kindergarten. Children will learn the basics phonics for reading, beginning math skills, science and social studies as well as a foundation of the Bible.

Kindergarten: this is a full curriculum kindergarten which will prepare students for first grade.

Class Interest *IMPORTANT: All children must be full potty-trained prior to the start of school.

Children are placed on the waiting list in the order requests are submitted.

Availability Acknowledgement *

Is there something you think is important for us to know about your child as we consider them for enrollment? If none, write "none."